admin 发表于 2024-4-26 21:08:40


卧姿KBang (bondage in liying) 开脚蟹形KBang (wide open crab bondage) 屈膝开脚KBang (wide open legs knee bent) 开脚KBang (wide open legs bondage) 并脚KBang (closed legs bondage) 虾形KBang, 两脚JiaoCha屈身 (shrimp bondage,legs-crossed & bent body) 俯身, 脚跟贴Tun (prone with heels to buttocks) 头发两脚KBang (hair to foot bondage) 坐姿KBang (bondage in sitting) 莲花座KBang, JiaoCha两脚置于另一边大腿 (lotus ties, crossed legs with each foot on  or thigh) 椅子KBang (tied to chair) 倾斜KBang (bondage in shrimp posture) 站立KBang (bondage in standing) 大字形KBang (all fours stretched bondage) 单脚站立, 膝盖拉吊(standing on one leg, knee pulled up) 单脚站立, 大腿拉吊 (standing on one leg, thigh pulled up) 单脚站立, 脚踝拉吊 (standing on one leg, ankle pulled up) 并腿KBang (closed legs bondage) 反Fu手腕 (arms up high bondage) Ru房KBang (breast bondage) Ru头KBang (nipple bondage) 悬吊 (hanging) 双手悬吊 (hanging by both hands) 双手反吊 (hanging by both hands sterched behind) 反Bang悬吊 (hanging by back bind) 跨绳吊 (hanging with ropes between legs) 双膝跪地悬吊 (hanging with knees on  floor) 悬空横吊 (horizontal hanging in  air) 开脚吊 (hanging with legs open ) 跪地式KBang (knee standing bondage) 膝盖立地KBang (knee standing bondage) 悬吊膝盖着地 (hanging with knees on  floor)
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